Student Governing Council


Ms. Angela Mok

Ms. Juliana Lei

Mr. Laurence Chan

Mr. David Sou


ChairpersonNicole LeungF5A
Vice-ChairpersonsMia NgokF5A
Rita LeiF4C
SecretariesConnie Ao Leong (Internal)F4B
Jessica Ng (External)F3B
TreasurersArielle Keong (Internal)F3A
Stephanie Lam (External)F5C
Public Relations OfficersTherese MokF5D
Winnie HuangF3D
Event CoordinatorsYohanna LeiF4A
Hebe ChengF3A
Welfare OfficersSophia ChioF4A
Evelyn ChanF3C
General Affairs OfficersEsther ChenF5B
Agnes KuokF4A


The Student Governing Council is the voice of the students and school by cooperating with bilateral aspect. It acts as a bridge between the school authorities and the students by increasing the transparency as well as conveying the notion of students. Its main objective is to develop the personal integrity and cultivate the accomplishments of all the students according to the school motto “Knowledge and Virtue”. Besides scheming out educative activities, it also coordinates and assists all the clubs and teams, thus ensuring that all their events are running smoothly under the supervision of the Student Governing Council.

The House system has been introduced to the Student Governing Council since its establishment in 2016. All teachers and students are divided into four Houses: House of Anthony, House of St. Bakhita, House of Hodgkin and House of St. Teresa. Each House will hold different educative activities for students to join. Throughout these activities, we hope to arouse students’ interests in various ways and enhance unity among students so that they can enjoy a more fruitful and memorable school life.


Flag Hoisting

The Student Council assists the school in conducting the flag hoisting ceremony every Monday morning and during important events.

Installation of the Student Council Officers, Class Prefects, Vice Prefects and Discipline Prefects

During the installation, the students involved pledged and received their badges. The Student Council Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons led the Student Council Officers, Class Prefects and Vice-Prefects to pledge.

Campus Radio Station

The host is interviewing the representatives of the invited party during the broadcast. Campus Radio Station provides a platform for student representatives from different parties including Student Council, Houses, Clubs, and Teams to introduce their own party. This programme also aims to let hosts know more about how radio broadcasts work.

Campus Journalist Programme

Campus Journalist Programme aims to provide an opportunity for students to develop a sense of belonging and learn more about the school community as well as different daily life topics. The members of the Press Team will conduct interviews with the students about different topics.


During Casual Wear Day, the Student Council will set up a Captabooth. Through this activity, students get to record beautiful memories and increase cohesion with friends or teachers. The students pose for a picture with smiles, capturing this treasured moment using the camera.

Leadership Camp

Participants took a group photo during the leadership camp. Throughout the event, students will engage in activities designed to enhance their leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.

Christmas Celebration

Before the Christmas holiday, teachers and students will gather together to celebrate. During the event, students will receive presents and blessings, sharing the happiness and joy within the school community during the season.

Student Council Election

The Student Council Election will be held every year at the end of the academic year to elect the Chairperson for the following academic year. Candidates have to self-nominate and prepare their own platforms. Every teacher and student will have a vote to choose their favorite candidate.

The candidate who receives the highest number of votes will become the next Chairperson.

Fashion Show

The Fashion Show was held on the 6th July, 2024 to let the students unleash their potential in creativity. All F1 to F5 classes made two sets of outfits respectively. Moreover, models from their own classes walked and showed their own designs on the runway. Lastly, teachers dressed up and performed in groups.

Thanksgiving Ceremony

The Thanksgiving Ceremony was held on July 11, 2024. Students from F1 to F5 prepared various performances and expressed their gratitude to their teachers. Additionally, gifts were presented to the School Choir in recognition of their hard work and outstanding results at the Musica Orbis Prague Festival 2024.

Old Book Selling Scheme

The Old Book Selling Scheme was successfully held in mid-July. Students had the opportunity to sell their old textbooks and purchase books at a lower price.

2023 Funfair

We participated in the Funfair organized by the AECM. The theme was “Learn About Your Own Emotions”. The audience learned more ways to care for their emotions and those of others by playing the pitch-pot game prepared by our Student Council.

2024 Funfair

The Funfair held by the AECM in 2024 was successful. This year, our theme was “Career Exploring and Life Planning”. We prepared a booth focused on being a pharmacist. During the event, we demonstrated the responsibilities of being a pharmacist to the public.