Environmental Protection Team

EPT Officers Photo


Miss Fiona Tam


Position Class Name
President F5A Elana Lam
Vice President F4C Anthea Cheang
Officer F3C Rebecca Cheng
Officer F3D Chloris Leung
Officer F4C Bianca Fok
Officer F4C Emily Leong



EPT aims to promote and deliver messages about environmental issues through some competitions and workshops. We also cooperate with some government departments such as the Environmental Protection Bureau, Marine and Water Bureau and the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector which provides opportunities for the teachers and students to take part in the environmental work.


Visit to Ecoteca da Mong-Há

EPT organized a visit to the Ecoteca da Mong-Há on 25th November 2023. Students learnt about the farming techniques and helped in harvesting the crops. The students then joined a workshop about how to make leaf vein bookmarks.


Beach cleanup at a beach near the Tam Kung Temple

The beach cleanup was held every year at the beach near the Tam Kung Temple. Throughout this activity, students found a lot of fun and understood the importance of keeping the natural habitat clean.


Swapping goods

This activity allows students to swap or barter their items (e.g. storybooks, toys, stationeries) that are new but not needed for them. It was a very popular activity among the primary students, and more than 200 items were exchanged.


Energy Saving Patrol

“Energy Saving Patrol” was conducted throughout the whole scholastic year to maintain a reasonable usage of electricity. Patrol team checked all classrooms to encourage students in classroom to turn off the non-essential lights after school.