Mathematics Club


Ms. Vicky Chao

Mr. Laurence Chan


Class Name Post
F4B Esther Chen President
F4B Aimee Leong Vice-President
F3A Celia Chan Secretary
F5C Kinki Vong Secretary
F3C Sammie Wat Treasurer
F3C Karina Loi Treasurer
F2B Evelyn Chan Propagandist
F2A Hailey Wong Art Director


The Mathematics Club aims to work for the interests of our fellow students. We develop students’ mathematical curiosity and interpersonal relationship skills by conducting member meetings with various topics related to Mathematics. The purpose of the Mathematics Club is to arouse students’ interests in Mathematics so that they can become confident in Mathematics. Mathematics is a tool to train one’s logical thinking skills. It is also a sword which can solve thousands of problems in various fields in our daily life.


Member Regular Gathering Activities

  • Sudoku training
  • Nonogram training
  • Tangram (七巧板)
  • Mathable
  • Rummikub
  • Mathematics Critical thinking questions
  • Interesting Mathematics apps

School Activities and Competition in 2022-2023

  • In the end of October, The Rummikub Competition was held successfully and students have participated actively. Rummikub was widely introduced to the students and teachers as it can help them to develop a quick-thinking skill.
  • In Mid-April, The Mathematics General Knowledge Quiz was held successfully, all the classes from Form 1 to Form 5 have participated in the quiz. Students’ abilities in solving Mathematics problems, mental arithmetic and speed calculation have been improved and trained throughout the quiz.
  • In March, the Activity Day was held successfully. Students were invited to finish some tasks in order to reach the goal. Members had to do complete missions at checkpoints which train their critical thinking skills. Moreover, this activity provided an opportunity to enhance their relationships and build trust between each other.

Club Meeting

Maths Quiz

Activity Day

Rummikub Competition