Club advisers 學會導師

Ms Dorothy Ngai

Mr Ivan Ao Ieong

Officers 幹事學生

F5D Vanessa Leong

F5A Phoebe Hoi

F3D Kelly Sio

F4B Katie Loi

F4D Summie Leong

F5B Jolie Un


Club introduction 學社簡介

The Humanities Club aims at enhancing students’ historic and geographic literacy for the better understanding of our world. With the increased communications between places around the world, the establishment of the HC carries the vital responsibility in guiding students to explore the varieties of cultures and countries by means of history and geography. Through deeper understanding, a positive attitude of students towards multiculturalism and diversity is hoped to be cultivated.


Club activities 學社活動

  1. Outings 實地考察
  2. Selected reading of texts and images 文字、圖像資料選讀
  3. Appreciation of movies and documentaries 電影、紀錄片賞析

2023-2024 活動花絮: